Monday, 27 May 2019

Monthly Cabinet Meeting:

Anglophone Conflict Not on Agenda
Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute chaired the cabinet meeting for the month of May on Thursday 23 May discussing other issues of general interest but not the sociopolitical crisis in the English-speaking Regions that is dominating national discourse.
                During the meeting, two issues; the reduction in the cost of road construction and how to improve the quality of services in the transport sector came under scrutiny.
                Cameroonians had expected that the May Ministers’ meeting would dwell on the visit of the Prime Minister and the follow up towards resolving the conflict. It was expected that a roadmap would be announced at the end of the deliberations.
                The PM’s visit was one of the most important events of the month touching on the life of the nation and one would have expected the government to review the visit. It did not. Maybe President Biya at whose behest the visit was undertaken would be the one to evaluate the success and/or failures of the visit.

                 It is still not known whether the PM’s visit was a mere showbiz without concrete actions, or that he has beien silenced by higher quarters who sent him on the mission. Observers fear members of government who are appointed and dismissed by Paul Biya are helpless faced with bloodshed in Anglophone Cameroon.
                The cabinet meeting attended by Ministers of State, Ministers and Secretaries of State takes place on the last Thursday of the month.
                This month’s meeting was precipitated because of the celebration by Christians of Ascension Day on Thursday next week.

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