Sunday, 13 January 2019

‘Mami Water’ Ghost Towns Cripple Life In NW & SW as Sisiku Is Taken To Court

The city of Buea was completely dead on Thursday

Major towns and cities in the North West and South West were totally crippled by ghost towns Thursday as Sisiku Julius Ayuk Tabe and 9 other Ambazonian leaders were taken to court in Yaounde. The Ambazonian leaders were arrested in Nigeria on 5 January 2018 and extradited to Cameroon.
                The SW capital Buea, for instance, was completely locked down by the ghost town. The town had yet to regain steam following the numerous ghost towns it experienced in the past several weeks and months.
                Gun shots were heard on Wednesday night breaking Thursday in localities including Mile 14, Mile 16 and Bomaka. This help to petrify residents who locked themselves in their homes giving the city the picture of a veritable dead town with no movement of persons or vehicles noticed on the streets.
                Markets, business premises, shops all remained closed in the town that only recently was baptised as “The City of Excellence”. .
                Similar lockdowns were witnessed in other towns of the Sw and NW including Muyuka, Kumba, Limbe, Tiko, Bamenda, Ndop, Kumbo, Wum etc.
                The ghost towns on Thursday only supplemented the traditional one that is observed on Mondays throughout the entire NW and SW regions.

                As the ghost towns crippled Buea on Monday the Mayor of the Sw capital town went out sealing shops and other business premises in a bid to discourage owners from heeding the instructions of separatists henceforth. The Mayor had vowed in a press interview that Buea will witness no further ghost towns by the close of January.
                But events on Thursday proved that Patrick Ekema’s remarks were the expression of mere wishes and that his effort did not seem to yield any fruit as Buea went even more dead on Thursday than on Monday.
                The ghost towns on Thursday 10 January were ordered the Acting Ambazonian Leader, Samuel Sako, in a release he issued on Monday, 7 January 2019.
                According to the release, the lockdown was to show support, solidarity and sympathy for Sisiku AyukTabe and the other Ambazonian leaders as they were to appear in court on Thursday. The leaders are charged with apology to secession, secession, terrorism, rebellion against fatherland, non-possession of national Identity cards among several other terrorism related charges.
                “….there shall be no movement of cars and persons across Ambazonia on those days so as to give maximum attention to the trial of the leadership of our revolution. The Interim Government has called on all restoration forces in the North West and South West Regions to strictly enforce the lockdown in the interest of the revolution.” Part of the release read.

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