Sunday, 20 January 2019

Support to the Head of State:

The Living Forces of Manyu Division

Manyu CPDM has hailed Biya for appointing Dr. Dion Ngute as PM

“We, the living forces of Manyu Division comprising Members of the Central Committee of the CPDM, Members of the Permanent Regional and Divisional Delegations of the Central Committee of the CPDM, Senators, Members of the National Assembly, Section Presidents, members of National Bureaus and militants of CPDM, WCPDM and YCPDM, Mayors, Traditional Rulers leaders of Socio-cultural and professional groups, elite and sympathizers of the CPDM;
-              Mindful of the cabinet reshuffle of 4 January 2019 by His Excellency Paul Biya, President of the Republic, Head of State and in which H.E. Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute, an illustrious son of the South West Region, was appointed to the enviable and prestigious position of Prime Minister, Head of Government;
-              Mindful of the renewed high confidence the Head of State in a worthy son of Manyu Division, by the reappointment of H.E. Mengot Victor ArreyNkongho, to the position of Minister in charge of Special Duties at the Presidency of the Republic;

                Express our sincere thanks and profound gratitude to His Excellency Paul Biya, President of the Republic, Head of State, for on the one hand, the high confidence placed in a son of the South West Region and on the other hand renewing His high confidence in a son of Manyu Division; Reaffirm our unconditional support and unwavering loyalty to His Excellency Paul Biya and the institutions he incarnates.
                Pray God Almighty to grant His Excellency good health, long life and wisdom in the conduct of the affairs of our nation”.

Done in Yaounde, this 6 January 2019

Victor A. Mengot, NforTabetandoNdieb-Nso, Echu George, Ako Edward Oben, Nkeng George Elambo, Chief Asanga Aloysius, EnowTanjong, Okpu Susanna, Anja Simon, Chief Mbianyor Clarkson Oben, Jerome Obi Eta, OgockEbotNtui, Chief Tataw James, EbotEbotEnaw, Chief AkoTakem Chancel, Chief Abangma Sampson, Carl Enow N. Gachu, Enow Kenneth, AkoEyong Elias, Tambi Sammy Ako, Mbu Robinson, Enoworock George, chief Tako Daniel Emoh, Chief Tabetah James A. Chief Bate Epey R. Chief Hans OdehOndape, Eyong Paul Ayukegbe, Julius NkomMkpot, ArongagborRoseline, Chief Godson Oben, AgborAmbangAntem, Chief Ayuk John Etchu, AyukTakunchong, Ebune Paul Tiku, Esua John, AyukAkoachere, Ndip Roland, Enow peter, Epey Samuel, Ekwalle Martin Ekwalle, Oben Victor, Agbomtui Michael, Chief OruhAgbor Julius, Tarkang Phillip, Chief Obenofunde Moses, Rose AbunawMakia, Tabor Martin Ayuk, Eno Chris Oben, Egbe Thomas, EgbeEbaiJoh, Tambi Joseph, Agbor Benson Besong, Chief Agborbechem Peter, AshuPrisleyOjong, AgbomtuiEbangha Joanna, Ayuketa Oswald, Ayuketa Pamela, Kima Victor, TambeMispa, Chief Abangma Mathias, Egbe Andrew, Chief MbiOruh Michael, AgborTabi Samuel, Etchu Kingsley, Chief MbiOruh Michael, AgborTabi Samuel, Etch Kingsley, Chief MbiOrock John, BessonNtuiOrgock, Ashutantang Gloria, Oben James Agbor, AgborOben, Helen AgborBessong, Chief Ita Jacques, Egbe Samuel, EbaiTarkangSteephen, Tabe Née TabetahEnowmbi, Jane Tarkang, Enow Dickson Enow, Nat. TakorArrey, Tabetando Margaret, BernicMengot, BessemEnoworock, Chief BayenTabe Michael, Chief Enow Clement Tabi, Chief Etta Martin, Francis manchangOben, TanyitikuBayeArikai, BetekHarisonTanyi, BatebeAgbor Boniface, Walters Tarkang, Etchu Joseph, AgborTambe Martina, chief Tambe Adolf, Chief TimbuAsah peter, Chief AbangAtem, Chief Isaiah Cho, Chief BataeEnoh, Chief MrsManyiIyok, EpeyNkongho, EbaiAyuknsoEyongashu, BessemVician, Chief Orock John, Akombi Sammy Oke, Arongagbor Felicia, MbuDeba Sampson, Abey Napoleon, EbotAshu F. TabiBetek G, TekuTanyiTeku, Akat Fidelis, Tambi Joseph, Ayuk Sera, Ayuk Elizabeth, Etchu Kingsley, AyukArrey Peter, ApahItor Johnson, Mbi Anna Nso, Agbor Adolf Tabi, Oben Michael Oben, Ma Sally Agbor, Princess Enow Clara Arrey, BessongNem Maria, MbuEtung Thomas, Samuel Ayuk Obi, Obinchemti Thomas Egbe, BibianaTanyi, Etta Moses, Tabi Johnson Tabi, Tambe Cyril Agbor, Arrey, BessongNem Maria, MbuEtung Thomas, Samuel Ayuk Obi, Obinchemti Thomas Egbe, BibianaTanyi, Etta Moses, Tabi Johnson Tabi, Tambe Cyril Agbor, Arrey Victor Arreyndiep, FortabohAsongAnu, EgbeEbaiFrida, TambeAgbor Teddy, BessongOrock Lucy, EtchuFranka, Egbe Thaddeus, Achere Thompson, AkoBesongngem Ferdinand, Tiku Linus, TanyiTanyi Willington, Etta Collins Ayuk, Aka Martin Iyoga, Michael EyongEyong, Bessem Winifred, Constance ObenAgbor, EyaAyukScholastica, Mbi Regina, MbiwanNchaffu, Tabenyang Carl Enow, Akwo Pius, Agbor Charles, Jane Tarkang, Katherine BessemEbot, AkoHaris, Nso Rose, Ebot Agnes, Ayuketa Mary, Augustine Ndip, Eyong Mercy, Kingsley Ako.

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