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President Biya speaks to the youths
Message of President Paul Biya to the youth
on February 10, 2016
“My dear young compatriots,
The celebration of the National Youth Day
always affords me a singular opportunity to address you.
year, we are celebrating the fiftieth edition of the Youth Day, which is proof
that the entire nation has been paying constant attention to youths for half a
century now.
cannot be an overstatement to say that our youths constitute a major asset for
the nation’s future. They are numerous and full of potential, dynamic and
ambitions, conquering and creative.
this regard, I wish to hail our young compatriots who have distinguished
themselves lately though major innovations which are acknowledged by all. They
took bold initiatives in the highly competitive domain of new information
technologies and in many other domains such as agriculture.
were not afraid. They were daring. Such has always been my recommendation to
you. They were able to weather the deficiencies in our country which is still
in the building process, and they have achieved the excellent results which we
can all be proud of.
are exemplars of personal patriotic commitment for our society. They deserve
everyone’s support. May they serve as a source of inspiration for those who are
still hesitating or dragging their feet!
My dear young compatriots,
is a virtue that some people might wrongly consider outdated. Even today, it
remains a mark of responsible and nobly asserted citizenship for the nation.
of your role in society, you should be patriotic to deserve well of the nation:
the farmer on his farm, the pupil or student in their studies, the workman on
his work site, the teacher in the classroom, the doctor or nurse at the
hospital, the researcher in his laboratory, the civil servant in his office,
the trader in his shop, the mechanic in his garage, the sweeper at his
workplace, the transporter driving his vehicle.
should each ply our trade with patriotic love. Only then will we become forces
of progress for our country.
this regard, take the example of our youths who are engaged at the war front.
For the past two years, they have been protecting our country from the
terrorist threat. They are sustained and driven by patriotic love, often to the
point of sacrificing their lives.
behavior is unlike that of some other youths who do everything possible to get
recruited into the public service and then desert their duty stations while
continuing to receive their salaries. They represent examples of what should
not be done.
youths join the public service just to obtain a service number, as they are
fond of saying. These do not deserve well of the nation.
unbridled quest for easy profit and wealth is a road to perdition that should
be shunned by the youth.
is proper for our youths to be imbued with republican and civic values. These
should form the basis of a genuine commitment on every front, be it security,
economic, cultural or socio-political.
My dear young compatriots,
am fully aware of the difficulties you are facing. I know your doubts and
worries. I know especially that you have difficulty getting a job.
capacity to create decent jobs is constrained by external factors related to
the global economic environment, coupled with some domestic red tape.
Nevertheless, we are not giving up. Our efforts over the past few years are
starting to pay off.
imminent commissioning of major infrastructures and the ongoing Three-Year
Emergency Plan should consolidate such gains.
the medium term, the launching of the extensive industrialization programme
which I outlined on 31 December last year should create many job opportunities.
development of our agricultural sector will be accorded a prime place. In this
regard, I urge you to truly revolutionize your mindset. The soil has never
betrayed anyone. Do not be afraid to take the plunge and become the
agricultural entrepreneurs that Cameroon needs. It is a noble and rewarding
trade in the so-called real economy.
therefore I urge the elders to shoulder their responsibility: it is proper to
urge the youths to till the soil and it is unwise to dissuade them from doing
is equally important to set a good example for them: urban workers should also
undertake activities in rural areas. Through their actions and those of the
government, we should make our village more youth-friendly.
is not a matter of waiting to amass substantial resources. It is, first and
foremost, a matter of determination and commitment.
agriculture, a little often goes a long way. There are many Government
programmes designed to support rural development. Obtain information on such
programmes. You should be able to make the most of them.
addition, there is another domain which I know you of the so-called “Android”
generation hold most dear, namely the development of the digital economy.
each generation, its historic challenges for the nation’s future! I can say
that one of the major challenges for our youths is to manage to keep abreast of
the astounding phenomenon of the digital economy.
urge the entire nation to resolutely mobilise and support eh numerous
initiatives undertaken by our youths in this are:
- The
Government should systematically and effectively continue setting up
appropriate infrastructure, but also cleaning up and properly regulating this
key sector in the interest of the national economy and the development of youth
- Public
or private training institutions are called upon to fully play their role. They
must identify the new trades and tailor their syllabuses accordingly.
- Large
enterprises and other public and private entities should set the example by
progressively carrying out their own digital switchover.
- Financial
institutions definitely stand to benefit by developing specific programmes to
support youth-initiated projects in this new economy.
It is through such collective commitment
that we will be able to rise to the challenge of digital transition.
These two sectors, namely agriculture and
digital economy, require us to continue with and step up the
professionalization of our secondary education.
In higher education, the various
stakeholders have been mobilized to progressively provide the job market with
human resources that meet the new requirements.
Enterprises are not seeking out for just
graduates, but a labour force that is well trained in specific trades and that
is constantly adapted to global trends.
To meet this expectation, I am pleased to
note that the Government has opened three Pilot Centres of Excellence in
Douala, Limbe and Sangmelima, at the cost of about 21 billion, to provide
retraining and skills upgrading for senior technicians and other skilled
economic integration of youths is thus a constant concern. Our actions will
continue with greater momentum to enable our youths to make them most of the
numerous programmes and projects that are underway or in the pipeline.
that end, I have just given instructions for the launch of a three-year
“Special Youth” plan worth CFAF 102 billion in total.
plan should facilitate and accelerate the economic integration of our youths.
We should all take a keen interest in it. In so doing, I believe, you will be
demonstrating your “economic patriotism.”
I believe that you could reap much benefit from the good citizenship education
programmes offered by the Civic Service Agency for Participation in
very timely initiative has already set up hundreds of local committees
countrywide. You should sign on and enjoy its benefits.s
My dear young compatriots,
gave you a hint about it. The sky is gradually clearing up. The clouds are
dispersing progressively.
am aware that you, more than the other population segments, are affected by
unemployment. I, however, urge you to look to the future with more confidence.
Of course, we have not yet reached out goal, but we are making progress against
all the odds.
effort is definitely required rom us to achieve stronger, more stable and more
sustainable growth. We will undoubtedly continue to encounter obstacles along
the way; however, it behoves us to overcome them resolutely and bravely with
everyone’s participation.
have just outlined all the benefits you can reap from working the land, from
our newfound industrialization and also from the digital economy.
through your active participation, you are expected to inevitably and
progressively take the nation’s future into your own hands, under the
benevolent mentorship of the elders, in a properly organized blending of
that end, you should have faith in the future, despite the challenges.
assured that I will spare no effort to support you in your determination to
Happy Youth Day to each and every one of
Long live Cameroon’s youths!
Long live Cameroon!”
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