Monday, 17 December 2018

Budget Execution:

Limbe II to Prioritize Income Generating Projects in 2019 
By Ticha Melanis in Limbe
Fako SDO flanked by Limbe II Mayor during council session
“I wish to remind ourselves as councilors of the same political party, for us to succeed in our endeavors next year which is an election year, we are forced to come together, plan together and stay united. We should be in order to face the enormous challenges that lies ahead especially the socio-political atmosphere prevailing in the country so as to have a brake through over the opposition next year”.
                These were the words of the Limbe 11 mayor Duncan A. Molindo during the second ordinary session dedicated for the examination and adoption of the 2019 draft budget. The deliberation took place on Friday December 14 2018 at the Limbe 11 council hall. The mayor said the year 2018 was not smooth due to some obvious challenges hence the limited or insufficient financial resources to permit the council accomplished their plan of action to the fullest. “Despite the difficulties faced within the year we were able to carry out and achieve some projects such as constructions of classroom in the municipality, rehabilitation of the Mile 6 beach-house and the Mbasse road and more” said Mayor Duncan.
                After deliberations and proposed resolution by the councilors, a draft budget of FCFA 700,000,000 balanced in revenue and expenditure with an increase of FCFA 100,000,000 was adopted. Mayor Duncan told the councilors that 2018 registered an excess of revenue over expenditure of FCFA 1,571,461 which was brought forward to the 2019 financial year as reserve earmarked for operations. The council estimated recurrent revenue stands at FCFA 413,000,000 which to the Mayor will be realized from the collection of fiscal, council taxes and through other means. Investment revenue stands at FCFA 287,000,000 and Investment expenditure at FCFA 280,000,000.He added that they are counting on state services like taxation and treasury department.

                He presented projects the council will engage in come 2019 stating the road map for their municipality is very clear. He said the council will go for project that will bring in income such as tarring of roads, construction of a market and other projects that will bring revenue to the council to help develop the municipality. He use the opportunity to talk about decentralization credit and PNDP funds which he said has been incorporated into the main budget. He revealed that the budget has set up in 2019 because some ministries have shown interest in developmental project within the town.
                Quizzed on what he thinks should done as concern the current situation in the region so that they face less challenges in the execution of their projects, he said he thinks all arrested be liberated and taken to their various homes sop that the tension in the country can reduce. He called on Cameroonians to remain united and pray for peace to return to the country.

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