Atanga Nji
Sends Grim Signal to Sleeping Civil Administrators
-Orders SDOs
and Governors to feed him with bi-daily situation reports of the territories
under their command
By Tanyi
Kenneth Musa in Yaounde
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Paul Atanga Nji |
The Minister
of Territorial Administration, MINAT, has fired a grim signal to SDOs of
Divisions and Governors of regions, ordering them to collect and send to his
office in Yaounde minute-by-minute reports on the security situation prevailing
in the territories under their command.
Paul Atanga Nji issued the order in
a service note published on 7 March 2018, barely three days after taking over
office as the new minister of interior in Cameroon. He was appointed to the
MINAT in a cabinet shake up on 2 March 2018.
Atanga Nji who doubles as the
Permanent Secretary of the National Security Council, was also formerly Minister
in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency. He held that position for nine
years (2009 to 2018) before his appointment as the MINAT.
Commentators say by instructing
Governors and SDOs to report to him twice daily about happenings in their areas
of command, Atanga Nji is stamping his authority and calling the bluff of the
civil administrators (Chefs Terres), who are said to consider themselves as the
real owners of the MINAT and who might rightly or wrongly consider Atanga Nji
as an outsider or better still, an intruder into their domain.
But whatever the ‘chefs terres’
might think, they have every reason to oblige to Atanga Nji’s instruction,
especially as it is understood that he has been sent to the MINAT by President
Biya with special instructions and for a special mission. Disrespecting Atanga
Nji therefore will mean disrespecting President Biya, with the consequences
that this can invite to the defaulter(s).
In his service note to the Governors
and SDOs, Minister Atanga Nji ordered them to send a comprehensive report of
the socio-political climate in their respective territories of command to their
immediate hierarchies for onward transmission to him. By virtue of the order
therefore, DOs will channel their reports to SDOs who will in turn compile and
channel same to the Governors for onward transmission to the MINAT.
This routine duty by the ‘chef
terres’ would be done twice daily: at 9.30 am and 2.30 pm for DOs; 10.30 am and
3.30 pm for SDOs; and 11 am and 4 pm for Governors.
In his ‘Confidential Note’ to the
‘chef terres’, the MINAT emphasized to them that it is with the view to feeding
the head of state with reliable, minute-by-minute information about the
socio-political life of the nation.
Apart from these routine cables,
Atanga Nji urged the administrators to report with immediate effect any unusual
happenings in their jurisdictions for onward transmission to Paul Biya.
With this rather firm instruction to
civil administrators, Atanga Nji has vindicated political speculators who said
he has been sent to the MINAT for a special mission to do everything to halt
the nefarious activities of the marauding and very lethal Ambazonia fighters,
who have continued terrorizing both military and civilian populations in the NW
and SW regions. Whether Atanga Nji will succeed in this mission will only be
known later.
But what is sure for now is that the
‘Wonder boy from Old Town Abakwa’ has already swung into action. And it was no
surprise therefore that in a related development, Atanga Nji also instructed
the Governors of the NW and SW regions to ban motorbike taxis and circulation
of motorbikes in some restive areas of their regions.
With these early actions one can say
without fear of contradiction that Atanga Nji is out for a final showdown with
the separatist Ambazonians, and only time will validate or invalidate what can
be described as ‘Atanga Nji’s formula of fear’.
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