Sunday 11 March 2018

People Power:

Meme, Ndian Bike Riders Rubbish Governor’s Ban
- Over 20.000 jobs to be affected if ban order is effective
- PM Yang urged to step in and revoke the ban order if only to prevent more youths joining ranks with ‘Ambazonia’ fighters
By Doh Bertrand Nua in Kumba
Bike Riders have continued plying the streets of Kumba in
 defiance of the Governor and the MINAT
Motorbike riders in Kumba, chief town of Meme Division, have rubbished an order of the Minister of Territorial Administration, Atanga Nji Paul, banning the circulation of motorbikes in Kumba I, II, III and Konye Sub-Divisions of Meme Division in the Southwest Region.
            The same Ministerial Order bans the circulation of motorbikes in the entire Ndian Division and Muyuka Sub-Division. The disrespect to the Minister’s order follows the effective circulation of motorbikes in all parts of Kumba throughout the weekend.
            Scores of motor bike riders who spoke to The Median on conditions of anonymity revealed the ban on circulation of motor bikes both during the day and night will be the last thing that will be respected as it is a source to livelihood to thousands of families.
            The Minister’s order we learnt was also rejected in Ndian and Muyuka Sub-Division. reports have it that in areas like Muyuka and Ndian where there are no taxis, the only means of movement is the use of motor bikes and in no way will such an order be respected.
            “There is no way we will stop working in this town because there is no other thing we can do as businesses have all been grounded by the deadly ghost towns,” explained a biker, adding that it behooves the Minister to review his banning order as it will instead cause more frustration and suffering to the innocent population whose economic activities have already been badly affected by the ongoing crisis.

More recruits for Ambazonia Army?
            Another biker explained that the increase in the number of youths in the pro-separatists fight is as a result of joblessness and frustration.
“If the frustrated youths who have resorted to bike riding as a source of livelihood are banned from working, this might increase their frustration and instead push them to join the ‘Ambazonia’ defense force just like the situation that happened in the North where youths were joining Boko Haram because of lack of jobs,” a biker explained, adding that the decision is a miscalculated one that has to be overturned by the Prime Minister before things get out of hand.
Ban renders 15,000 jobless, hungry
Statistics from the Kumba city council Government Delegate during the installation of the Presidents’ of “Okada” unions in Kumba few months back indicated that Kumba alone has about 15000 registered motor bikes. Observers have posited that such critical moments where businesses have all been slowed down in these areas, the ban will only add to the number of frustrated and jobless youths as it will render arguably over 15000 families hungry and jobless.

Ban to increase crime wave
            Another group of concerned persons who spoke to this reporter revealed that based on the hardship that has been caused so far by the crisis, if in any way such a ban is to be respected then all the unemployed riders will arguably become thieves. This group of persons indicated that it won’t be easy to for riders who also have families to stay without providing to their families and as such the only way out will be an increase in crime wave. They also revealed it is as a result of motor bikes that most notorious armed bandits have repented to concentrate on hustling for themselves through riding.

Ban to reduce school attendance
            For a town like Kumba that hasn’t got good roads to ease movement between township taxis, denizens of Kumba have revealed such a ban on the movement of motor bikes will drastically reduce the rate of school attendance. To these Kumba inhabitants, Kumba lacks good roads and streets that can permit taxis to carry pupils and student to and fro distant schools.
            Minister AtangaNji’s much parroted Thursday march 8, 2018 decision banning the circulation of motorbikes both within the day and night for the period of 7-10 days renewable comes barely a week after his appointment and installation as pioneer Anglophone Minister of Territorial Administration in the Biya regime.
            The decision has sent shockwaves down the spine of commercial bike riders in the entire Meme and Ndian Divisions and Muyuka Sub-Division in the Southwest Region of Cameroon. The Minister indicates after citing several cases of abductions, murder and burnings by unknown gunmen in the restive Anglophone regions that the ban is part of measures to restore calm in the Northwest and Southwest regions of the country.
            The order of the Bamenda wonder boy, as Atanga Nji is fondly referred to by his admirers is further stimulated by that of the Governor of the Southwest Region who in another show of his ‘administrative excesses’ in another communiqué extends the ban from 7-10 days as prescribe by the Minister to 15 days renewable.
            The order warns that any defaulters will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. What remains a million dollar question is whether the over 20.000 bike riders who have already violated the Minister and the Governor’s order throughout the weekend will be caught and prosecuted severally. Let’s wait and see.

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