Sunday 21 May 2017


On Friday 28th April 2017, at 11:00am, Mr. Peter MAFANY MUSONGE, presided over the first plenary session of the national commission for the promotion of bilingualism and multiculturalism, at Mont Febe Hotel.
                The meeting was attended by all the members of the said commission.
                There were four main points on the agenda of the meeting, namely:
- The introductory statement of the president of the Commission;
- The presentation of members of the Commission;
- General discussions;
- Others matters.
                In his introductory statement, the president of Commission, Mr. Peter MAFANY MUSONGE, started by congratulating the members of the Commission for their brilliant appointment into this organ, as well as the confidence bestowed upon them by the Head of State.
                He also used the opportunity to acknowledge the recent appointment of the secretary general of the said Commission, in the person of Dr. CHI ASAFOR Cornelius. He continued with recall of the attributions of the no 2017/013 of 23rd January 2017, laying Commission its establishment, organization and functioning. He finally called on all of them to totally engage themselves for the attainment of the assigned objectives, and generally not to spare afford in view of meeting the expectations of the people.
                Subsequent to that, there was individual presentation of the members of the Commission. This phase of the meeting permitted the different members to speak of their respective experiences either as civil servants and State dignitaries or simply as citizens intervening in diverse sectors of the society, bringing out contributions which could be expected from them for the attainment of the objectives assigned to the Commission. At the end of this exercise, the president was delighted to note that the Commission was sufficiently rich in terms of competence to be able to surmount the numerous challenges it will be faced with.
                The third point of the meeting was on general discussions, notably members taking turns to speak. This permitted to record the vision of the members on the activities of the Commission as well as the social crisis in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon. In this regard, and upon the request of the President of the Commission, proposals for short, medium and long term solutions were made by the various speakers. In that respect, the following suggestions were made:
                - “Bench marking” in countries which like Cameroon live with bilingualism and multiculturalism on a daily basis, for example Canada, to get inspiration from their success model;
                - The identification of priorities and an introspection with could permit an understanding of priorities of the causes of the social malaise;
                - Field work, to come into direct contact with the realities, and to find appropriate solutions to the identified problems;

                - Keen reading, by the members of the Commission, of the speeches of the Head of State, and the Prime Minister, as well as the content of the decree laying down the establishment, organization and functioning of the Commission, to better understand the missions assigned to the Commission;
                - To obtain the authorization of the president of the Republic, to enable the Commission carry out a mediation in view of finding a lasting solution to the socio-economic and educational crisis in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon;
                - The elaboration of concrete proposals, by the Commission, for the High Attention of the Head of State on the resolution of the social crisis in the Anglophone Regions;
                - The definition of the work methodology and the plan of action for the Commission to guide its interventions.
Finally, under other matters, the following issues were raised:
                - The date of the next meeting of the Commission is scheduled to hold on 25th of May 2017;
                - The frequency of meetings of the Commission which will be in respect of the previsions of article 14 of the decree laying down the organization and functioning of the Commission;
                - The date of the installation of the Secretary General is scheduled for the 26th of May 2017;
                - Level of discipline to be observed by members when making public pronouncement concerning the Commission.
At the end of the deliberations, the President called on members to send within ten (10) days, concrete proposals to the secretary general, in terms of contributions towards the stard of the activities of the Commission and the resolution of the social crisis in the Anglophone Regions of the country.
                Also, he requested the Secretary General to summarise all the contributions received, regroup them into possible short, medium and long term activities, and to send them to him before the holding of the next meeting of the Commission.

Yaounde, 28th April 2017
The President

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